
A Memoir of our Beloved Teachers: A Light from the Past to the Future

Writing English is Fun


Written by: Pradipta Natha Setya Putra (11 SMA)

A teacher is way more than just someone who teaches lessons and gives homework. They’re like a bridge between what happened in the past and what’s coming in the future. They don’t just help us understand math, science, or history, its more than that, they help us understand life itself. A real teacher doesn’t just fill our brains with facts, they help us grow as people. They teach us how to be kind, how to work hard, and how to believe in ourselves.

Think about it: everything we learn from them isn’t just for today, it’s for tomorrow, and even years from now. They share wisdom form the past, like stories, lessons, and experiences, and help us use that to build a better future. They’re like a light that guides us, not just through school, but through life. A teacher doesn’t just teach subjects, the help shape who we are and who we’ll become. That’s why they’re so important. They’re not just preparing us for tests, they’re also preparing us for the world….how to embrace the world with its uniqueness.

Teachers are like bridges that connect the past, present, and future. They don’t just teach us math problems or science facts; they help us understand the ideas and values that people before us thought were important. Without teachers, we might forget the amazing things that people like Socrates, Isaac Newton, or Leonardo da Vinci did….how to transform ideas into concrete outcome that change people’s life. These people changed the world with their ideas, and teachers make sure we don’t lose those ideas. They help us learn from the past so we can do even better in the future…or at least not to repeat the same mistakes.

Try have a thought about it: if no one taught us about history, we wouldn’t know about the mistakes people made or the great things they achieved. Teachers help us avoid making the same mistakes and encourage us to come up with new ideas. They don’t just tell us what to think, they show us how to think. They ask questions, like philosophers in the past did, to help us figure things out on our own. They inspire us to be creative, like da Vinci, who painted, invented and explored all kinds of ideas. There is no limit to exploring ideas…work hard is the key.

Teachers also help us understand the values that hold society together, kindness, honesty, hard work, all of those are just a part of values that teachers try to mold in us. They remind us that we’re part of something bigger than ourselves. By sharing the wisdoms of the past, teachers prepare us to face the challenges of the future in order to survive, struggle and win the odd. They don’t just want us to memorize facts, they want us to face the challenges of the future. Be optimistic and brave on whatever challenges you might encounter one day. In a way, teachers are like guides, helping us cross the bridge from what we know to what we can discover so that we can make a better decision.

I just want to emphasize again that a teacher is so much more than just someone who stands in front of class and gives lessons. They don’t just teach math, science, or history. They Teach Life itself…how to be accepted and welcome in a society. They help us see the world in new ways through their eyes, spark our curiosity, and push to keep going even when things get tough. Teachers believe in us, sometimes even when we don’t believe in ourselves. They see something special in us that we might not have seen just yet. A lot of people who’ve done amazing things in life say it’s because a teacher believed in them first.

But it’s not just about schoolwork that a lot of us dread. Teachers also help us grow as people. They teach us how to understand our feelings, make good choices, and treat others with kindness. They’re there for us when we’re struggling, giving advice and support that goes way beyond what’s in a textbook. Sometimes, just one kind word or a little encouragement from a teacher can make a huge difference. It can give us the confidence to try something we thought was impossible or to keep going when we feel like giving up. Teacher don’t just help us pass tests; they help us become better versions of ourselves. They inspire us to dream big and show us that we’re capable of more than we ever imagined.

A teacher’s impact lasts forever. Even when students grow up and leave the classroom, the lessons they learned, the values they were taught, and the confidence they built stay with them. Education is what helps the world move forward, and teachers are the ones who build that foundation. They’re like guides who light the way, showing us how to take what we’ve learned from the past and use it to create a better future.

A great teacher leaves a mark on their students’ hearts and minds that never goes away, like seeds that keep on growing long after the class is over. They’re like a mentor who helps us figure out who we are and who we want to be. They’re like a flashlight in the dark, helping us see the path ahead. And even when we’re older and far away from school, their light stays with us, reminding us of what we’re capable of.

This article was made in dedication and memory of one of SIKL’s most beloved teacher, Mr Maftuhin who sadly has passed away. He was an inspiration to us all, especially me. He was of old age and yet his passion to teach doesn’t represent his age at all. It’s as if the fire in his heart that sparked years ago was still blazing hot without mercy, shining its light upon the world. During his classes it really felt like there was a genuine connection between students that I think a lot of teachers may miss. A connection like sun and earth, a distance far away, yet somehow you still can feel the heat and see the light that shines from it. I think he really was more than just a teacher, but an inspiration.

Teachers don’t just teach, they inspire, they encourage, and they help us shine.
Their light never fades. Farewell Mr. Maftuhin, you will be remembered as a great teacher, a mentor and a source of inspiration.